Find Flights to Komatsu (KMQ) with EVA Air

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Find Flights to Komatsu (KMQ) with EVA Air

​Travelling to Komatsu

Komatsu is a peaceful oasis within Japan’s Ishikawa prefecture. Book your flight to Komatsu with EVA Air today and immerse yourself in the natural beauty of Komatsu’s temples and hot springs.

Places to see in Komatsu

Explore the sakura tree-lined paths of Rojo Park. Visit the park’s teahouse and take part in a traditional tea ceremony. You can stroll across the vermilion bridge and view exquisite miniature waterfalls and traditional gardens. Then go to Natadera Temple. Established in 717 AD, this temple’s grounds feature natural caves, craggy cliffs, and spectacular gardens. Discover automotive history when you tour the Motorcar Museum of Japan’s collection of 500 vehicles. Afterwards, discover nature’s harmony at the Hiyo Moss Garden. This world-renowned garden features a beautiful shrine encircled by towering cedar trees. During the summer, you can go canoeing on Lake Kiba. During the winter, you’ll enjoy deep snows and winter sports, including skiing and snowboarding.

Getting around Komatsu

Renting a car is the best option to travel around Komatsu. Komatsu Bus offers reliable service with buses running every 15-30 minutes. You can also call a taxi. For destinations near Komatsu Station, consider renting a bike.

When to visit Komatsu

Komatsu experiences mild summers and cold winters. If you hear snow and think snowboarding, you should visit Komatsu from mid-January through mid-March. For pleasantly warm temperatures, visit from June through August.